Author: cxiqteam

  • The Essence of Brand and Customer Experience

    A few months ago, I asked a speaker, who represented herself as a ”marketing guru,” for an example of an excellent brand because she spoke about brand equity and brand reputation management. I could not relate these terms to actual processes involved. Without hesitation she answered, “Sony! It is one of the most valuable CE…

  • Voice of Customers Challenge to Product Managers

    For years I have been puzzled by the fierce resistance of product managers to integrate customers feedback into the products’ design and marketing process. Surely, many use elaborate survey and market focus group studies to validate and refine an original concept, but the use of the feedback to form an original concept is widely sneered…

  • Without trust, a business cannot grow. Without reputation a business cannot be trusted.

    Customers prefer to buy from companies they trust. When consumers’  choices are limited and they have to do business with companies they don’t trust, customers only care about price or looking for ways to avoid to do business all together. The television broadcasting companies are the best example of the latter. Most, if not all, research…

  • Wrong Metrics and Damaging Results

    “You cannot manage what you cannot measure.” Those are well known and accepted words of wisdom that have been taught to thousands of MBA students for decades. There is a lesser popular truth though—that measuring wrong things can really hurt your business. Definition, selection and design of appropriate, balanced and concise metrics, as well as…

  • you-have-to-be-good-at-something

    A few weeks ago my partner suggested that we should start using a CRM system to help us synchronize our efforts. Since I had nearly two decades of experience implementing various CRM systems for large and small businesses, he wanted me to select the “right” one for us. I like simplicity and ease of adoption,…

  • Hello world!

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